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10/03/2016 11:49

Ducks continue to increase in my part of the Calder Valley.

I was somewhat surprised this morning to find the amount of debris left behind by the latest rise in water levels by the calder between Ossett and Dewsbury. Once again there is considerable signs of flooding on the copse besides Kerries food factory and judging by the amount of litter and plastic...


23/02/2016 11:54

Springlike Weather brings some breeding birds back early.

It was quite a surprise this morning to find 2 Oyster Catchers in display flight along the banks of the river Calder at Saville Town Dewsbury.These birds have had mixed fortunes with breeding in recent years having failed to produce young last year. 3 new Green Sandpipers where on the river Calder...


18/02/2016 14:55

Peregrine spends afternoon on local Church and Barn Owl again appears hunting in the fields around Healy Road Ossett.

A Peregrine Falcon spent most of yesterday afternoon having its lunch on the tower of North Ossett Church.Its exact type of prey could not be properly identified.Peregrines are starting to become a regular sight around the Ossett and Shaw Cross areas and probably do their hunting around the rural...


16/02/2016 20:39

Dropping Water levels on the River Calder make feeding for its inhabitants easier but freezing conditions make life more difficult for inland water birds

Whenever the water levels on the river Calder in my part of the Calder Valley are high a lot of birds just disapear in search of easier feeding grounds.However as the water levels on the river go down and feeding on the river becomes easier both numbers and variety of birds increase. Birds such as...


04/02/2016 17:16

A drop in Temperature increases Duck numbers in my part of the Calder Valley

With temperatures dropping somewhat over the last few days I expected my bird feeders to have become much busier than of late but alas the shortage of small birds generaly in this part of the Calder valley is still very noticeable. Apart from a wintering Chiff Chaff accompaning a few Blue and Great...


09/01/2016 18:50

Mild weather a bonus for bird survival in Winter but continuing rainy conditions wreaking havok with local sites

Anyone who has walked my part of the Calder Valley on a regular basis this Winter will have noticed great changes in the local habitat.I dont know how many times the river Calder has burst its banks this Winter but the mess it leaves behind on each occassion is there for everyone to see.Iv...


16/12/2015 20:50

Bullfinches doing well in the valley

With dreary overcast conditions for much of the week there as been little to cheer about.When the river Calder is at a very high level a lot of the ducks and similar species tend to wander off in search of more easy feeding environments.o this morning it was nice to come across a party of some 8...


09/12/2015 15:39

Woodcock and Drake Pintail on my patch today.

A Drake Pintail is frequenting the Calder Valley around the Dewsbury Sewage Works area.The bird was flushed from the fresh water Lagoon on the sewage works around 10:15 this morning and circled the works several times before heading off in the direction of Dewsbury town'(see photogallery) Also on...


27/11/2015 17:19

Back on my local patch

It was a shock coming home via Manchester to adverse very heavy rain and strong winds(making driving home an horrific experience particulary on the Manchester side of the Penines. It was nice to be backon my local patch yesterday in spite of he limited light conditions etc. Its good top se that...


10/11/2015 12:11

A walk on Tanji Beach on the afternoon of 5th November 2015

I  have never known it so hot here in November.The beach at Tanji is much changed with the shifting sands creating a much longer walk to the main Gull/Tern counting area.The area around the fishing fleet was not as populous as on previouse visits but 14 Bar Tailed Godwits and 2 Turnstones...
