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27/05/2020 10:59
A female Sparrow Hawk was hunting around the brewers Pride public house this morning at 07:15 for abpout 10 minutes.2 Kestrels where on the wires at the bottom of Healy Road before chasing off towards Mill Bank Thornhill.
48 Herring Gulls where on the filter beds at Dewsbury Sewage Works along with...
23/05/2020 19:13
There was good movement of Swifts and House Martins in my part of the Calder Vakkey this morning.
The engineering yard at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett held about 100 s wiftscontinualy moving Westerly and being replaced by other birds coming in from the East.This move,ment carried on up the...
13/05/2020 18:09
Its nice to see good numbers of certain Summer Visitors gathering to feed even if weather conditions feel mor like February than May.
Good numbers of House Martins were feeding on and around Dewsbury Sewage Works and Mill Bank Thornhill this moning with one party of some 128/30 birds feeding on and...
30/04/2020 09:02
A Common Sandpiper is on the rivers banking oppositte Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.For about 2 minutes it was feeding alongside a Green Sandpiper before moving off slowly towards Dewsbury at around 07:40.
Whitethroats are quickly getting up to strength with 8 singing males in the lower...
29/04/2020 17:12
A White Stork flew over Dewsbury this morning at 11:15.It came in from the East and carried on North West.It was first reported flying over Ossett Spa at 11:05.
29/04/2020 10:07
Despite overcast and damp conditions there was still quite a bit of bird song in my part of the Calder Valley this morning
There are 2 singing Sedge Warblers around the area bordering Dewsbury Sewage works border fence and in the same area 4 singing Common Whitethroats and 5 singing Willow...
25/04/2020 10:19
A Reed Warbler was singing this morning in Lower Pildacre Ossett at one of the recognised breeding sites.Conditions early this morning where rather heavy and slightly overcast not very indusive to birds singing their best but no doubt as the morning progresses this will improve.
4 Common...
22/04/2020 09:00
A Common Swift was hawking around the area by the railway embankment of Mill Bank Thornhill just adjacent to the Networl Rail office block.
The bird made several passes as it slowly made its way Eastwards at around 07:20
A single Yellow Wagtail is still feeding on the easterly filter beds...
20/04/2020 09:05
A stunning male Yellow Wagtail is feeding on a filter bed on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.The birds is keeping company with 4 Pied Wagtails and a single Grey Wagtail on the central beds adjacent to the compost storing area in lower Pildacre and although a little flighty is pretty sedentery in...
17/04/2020 09:18
A Common Whitethroat is singing in the Hawthorn copse around the public footpath adjacent to the Kerries factory 2nd car park this morning.
At least 8 Willow Warblers are singing in the same area and 3 Blackcaps.A female Sparrow Hawk was hunting along the banks of the Calder around the footbridge...