Article archive
15/11/2014 16:00
Raptor movement began at 09:35 with a slow movement of small parties of Hooded Vultures rising up and gradualy moving off to the North with 96 birds passing over up to 11:30
From 11:30 to 13:30 a further 143 birds North up to watch close at 13:30
Also on this watch 1 female Montagues Harrier...
14/11/2014 21:46
Just 5km from the camp at Tendaba is the village of Kwinnela where there is a long established breeding colony of tree nesting Pink Backed Pelcans.Onthis occassion the colony consisted ofsome 62 birds mainly in 2 large Bullow trees with just a few pairs in a single tree about...
13/11/2014 17:03
ARRIVED AT tendaba camp last night expecting camp to be quiet and picking whatever room wanted.No chance we are fullybooked for 4 months I am told.You willhave toreturn to Lamin he says.Luckily the manager appears and says seeing that you are a regular there is a room for you.Andwhat a room the...
07/11/2014 07:08
Bushtrackbirder will be in the Gambia for the next 2 weeks.Hopefully I will be able to publish sightings from there straight on to my website
31/10/2014 17:09
After just a very short spell where the wind began to blow from the South East quite noticeable changes appear to have taken place on the local bird scene.
It was nice to come across swirling parties of Winter Thrushes in the Calder Valley this afternoon.In the area around Kerries Foods at Ossett...
30/10/2014 19:58
There seems to be an exceptional berry crop this Autumn/Winter but as yet nothing has arrived to take advantage of them.Theres been a noticeable increase in Blackbirds in the valley with at least 10-12 birds currently on Kerries and some 18 to 20 birds on Mill Bank Thornhill but so far only one...
25/10/2014 17:26
A Woodcock flushed fron the centre area of the reserve at Kerries Foods Ossett this afternoon.The bird waited until I was virtualy treading on it before taking off slently and flying off to the North East.
Meanwhile a single adult Water Rail was feeding out in the open on the sewage bed that runs...
18/10/2014 19:29
A party of 42 Redwings came in from the North East this afternoon and landed very breifly in the main copse at Kerries Foods plant this afternoon( 15:20)
These took off very quickly after been pursued immediately by an awaiting Sparrow Hawk and continued flying South accompanied cby 9 Blackbirds...
08/10/2014 20:09
Its allways strange during the period thatSummer birds have departed and we await our Winter Visitors on our local patches.
Apart from 38 House Martins over Bretton Park lakes on Sundauy( 5th October ) no sightings of Hirrundines on my patch this week.
32 Linnets are feeding on Mugwort plants at...
03/10/2014 16:49
A party of some 78 Pink Footed Geese flew high over Mill Bank Thornhill this afternoon heading slowlly South West.This is the first skein of the Autumn /Winter over my patch.
There are still 3 Mandarin Ducks on the River Calder near the new road bridge over the Calder in Saville Town.Also nearby 3...