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Article archive

27/08/2014 18:20

2 Yellow Wagtails now on Sewage works

There are 2 immature Yellow Wagtails now feeding on the filter beds  at the Eastern end of Dewsbury Sewage Works.Also on the same bed 9 Grey Wagtails and 42 Pied Wagtails. 3 Green Sandpipers are on the River Calder banks just below the willow Plantations on Mill Bank Thornhill asnd ducj...


26/08/2014 20:19

Yellow Wagtail at last appears on my patch.

An immature Yellow Wagtail is feeding along with around 180 Pied Wagtails and 9 Grey Wagtails on the filter beds at the eastern end of Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon. This is the first record I have on my local patch this year and the species seems to be getting scarcer locally year by...


22/08/2014 20:26

Little Gull makes an appearence on local Sewage works

An adult Little Gull was amongst some 42 Black Headed Gulls on the circular tanks at the Western end of Dewsbury Sewage works this afternoon.This adult bird stood out in flight with its distinctive lack of white flashes on the front of its rather rounded looking wings which also showed the...


17/08/2014 06:48

Green Sandpipers again showing well

There are 5 Green Sandpipers on the River Calder between Dewsbury Centre and the iron footbridge at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.They are most regular just below the farm on Mill Bank where the river still has a narrow muddy fringe on the Thornhill side. Also nearby 162 Crows on Dewsbury Sewage...


12/08/2014 06:44

Generally quiet but Green Sandpipers still showing well

With prelevent South Westerly  Winds things are pretty quiet on my patch at the moment.However there are 4 Green Sandpipers showing well and spending their time either on a small bed on Dewsbury sewage Works or on the banks of the River calder below Thornhill Mill Bank.As the water level on...


09/08/2014 20:18

Hobby again hunting around the valley between Ossett and Dewsbury

A Hobby has been spending much of the day hunting along the calder valley between Ossett and Dewsbury. With many of the local breeding sand martins recently having newly fledged youngsters the Hobby has been concentrating its efforts chasing young birds which are still finding their feet away from...


06/08/2014 13:01

Hobby making spectaculer passes at Sand martin colony at Ossett this morning

A Hobby was trying to catch Sand Martins as they came out of their holes at a Sand martin colony on the River Calder at Ossett at around 11:00 this morning.The bird made several very acrobatic passess paralell to the face of the colony  but was unsuccessful at catching any of the birds.The...


31/07/2014 17:01

Little Egret makes a welcome re appearence in our part of the valley.

A Little Egret was frequenting the banks of the River Calder in Dewsbury just a few hundred yards below the Canal Basin this afternoon.The bird was flushed from the waters edge and flew off alighting in a Group of Willow Trees just below Mill Bank Farm where it became hidden from view. Also in the...


24/07/2014 16:49

Lapwings gathering on the rooftops

A flock of some 148 Lapwings is frequenting the flat roofs of buildings on the Industrial estate around Saville Town Dewsbury at the moment. They spend the greater part of the day in the riverside fields adjacent to the Canal Basin flying frequently to alight on the rooftops of the industrial site...


16/07/2014 17:23

3rd Brood of Little Grebes appear on the River Calder this morning.

A Little Grebe has produced its second brood of 2 youngsters on the River Calder near Dewsbury.The 2 tiny chicks with distinctive sriped heads are tobe seen on the Calder almost directly below Thornhill Cricket Cub and this adds to the other pair on Dewsbury Sewage Works that have allready produced...
