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15/07/2014 18:37
A third brood of 6 tiny Tufted Duck Ducklings have appeared on Dewsbury Sewage Works.There are now 18 young of this species present both on the River Calder and on the Sewage works.
Only 3 Green Sandpipers on the Sewage works this afternoon with 2 Common Snipe with 42 Lapwings hanging around...
14/07/2014 20:37
There was 2 parties of Green Sandpipers on my local patch today.A party of 6 birds are frequenting the banks of the River Calder around the Hotworks mill area of Earlsheaton.a further 3 birds are on the central beds of Dewsbury sewage works bringing the total to 9.
Also on Dewsbury Sewage works...
13/07/2014 15:30
Both Little Ringed Plover and Dunlin have joined the 5 Green Sandpiperts on the banks of the river Calder below Earlsheaton this morning.
A single Little Ringed Plover and single Dunlin were on mud borders on the calder this morning .
Also there is much Kingfisher activity on the calder this...
11/07/2014 16:48
A party of 5 Green Sandpipers are still hanging about the river bank on the calder just below Earlsheaton village.There is also a single Dunlin on the Sewage works at Dewsbury with 2 Oyster Catchers and 2 Common Snipe as well as a flock of some 142 Lapwings.
A pair of Tufted Ducks are still...
10/07/2014 12:27
There was 5 Green Sandpipers on the banks of the River Calder yesterday.These where located near the hotworks Mill below Earlsheaton ans hopefully will be the begining of our late Summer wader passage through our area.
02/07/2014 19:50
2 Cuckoos appear to be spending time at at least 5 Reed Warbler sites both on Dewsbury Sewage Works and Kerries Reserve Ossett at the moment.
This morning a Cuckoo was in the central marshy area of kerries reserve calling from the large trees above the Northern edge of the Reserve.There are no more...
01/07/2014 06:58
A Cuckoo was making regular visits in to the Reed Warbler colony on Dewsbury Sewage works yesterday evening.This Cuckoo has been present on or around this site now for two or three weeks so it must be assumed it has successfuly laid eggs in some of the 10 or more nests that will be at this...
28/06/2014 14:58
A noticeable absence of young Blue and Great Tits being fed on the wing has brought to the surface a worrying problem on Kerries Reserve Ossett.
On close inspection the majority of Nesting boxes on the Reserve appear to have been damaged around the nesting holes.When the boxes where put up...
25/06/2014 14:02
a Hobby was chasing Sand Martins over Mill Bank Thornhill this morning at 11:22.The Hobby stayed cfor about 20 minutes
11:22 before flying off Eastwards at speed
also on Dewsbury Sewage works 2 Cuckoos in attendance around our main Reed Warbler breeding colony.A Common Tern flew...
24/06/2014 21:58
There was 2 Cuckoos on Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon in the area of the main Reed Warbler colony.There are some 10 breeding pairs of Reed Warblers on the works this year spread across 3 sites with the main colony housing 5 pairs of birds.
It has been so far an excellent year for breeding...