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15/10/2012 06:52
56 Black Headed Gulls were present on Sands Lane flash together with 2 Common Gulls,40 Canada Geese,40 mallard,1 Mandarin Duck male,2 Tufted ducks,2 Great crested Grebes and 3 Mute Swans.
On the same day an evening watch at Kerries Foods copse produced 4 Redwings,7 Blackbirds,4 Song...
15/10/2012 06:42
There is a Crow roost on Millbank Thornhill at the moment with an estimated 200 Jackdaws and some 160 Carrion Crows present at 19:00 hours.There was 4 Jays present in Thornhill rectory Park at 16:00 hours with 3 Mistle Thrushes and a party of 22 Linnets.
Thornhill Cricket Field held 42...
14/10/2012 21:19
A Jack Snipe was found feeding with 5 Common Snipe yesterday evening at Ossett Sewage works.Details along with more recent records will be published tommorrow.
11/10/2012 19:56
A Lesser Black Backed Gull with the characteristic dark Mantle of the Baltic Race was seen briefly on the flash behind the Ship Inn early this afternoon.The mantle was very dark black showing very little contrast with the wing tips and luckily there was typical specimens of the species...
10/10/2012 13:52
it is nice to be able to record 2 Redwings as the first two birds you see after getting out of your car on site easpecialy if they are your first records of he species this autumn.2 birds were going South high over the car calling at 09:10 this morning.A further 16 went south up to 12:00...
09/10/2012 22:16
28 Redpolls were feeding in the copse at Kerries foods this evening.These were not present this morning.Similary a group of 6 Red Head Goosanders were on the river at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett and the first of the wintering Little Grebes was n the Calder near Earlsheaton this...
09/10/2012 12:49
A party of 56 Pink Footed geese flew East over the Calder at Dewsbury Sewage works this morning.Also on the sewage works a single Jack Snipe on one of the footpaths at the top end of the works.
Nearby in Kerries copse single Tree creeper,single Willow Tit and 9 Redpolls were all new from...
07/10/2012 06:13
On 30th september at Mirfield behind the ship Inn.30 Canada geese,60 mallard,18 herons,2 Great crested grebes.
4th October 4 Buzzards over Thornhill at 14:30 plus single Sparrow hawk and Kestrel.
5th October Horbury Wyke 4 Widgeon,9 Teal,2 Chiff Chaff and Little Owl at the botom of...
06/10/2012 20:35
There was theree Common Buzzards over Millbank thornhill this morning.These first appeared around 09:45 hours with a single bird closely followed around 5 minutes later by 2 more.
There is still 3 Chiff chaff in the copse just above the Kerries Foods car park with a single bird still hanging...
03/10/2012 22:56
A Jack Snipe was flushed from a path on Dewsbury Sewage Works today.Also 43 Common Snipe were all new birds with only single figure numbers seen in previouse days.
Also over the Sewage works at Dewsbury 6 Common Buzzards plus a single bird calling from the copse adjacent to Kerries Foods...