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16/04/2012 20:22

Some Local Bird news

A Little Ringed Plover was at Ravensthorpe on the 4th of April On saturday 14th of April some 110 Golden Plover were in the main marsh field at Horbury Wyke. The next day a single White Wagtail was in a field with horses on Horbury Junction. On monday evening on the Thornhil Wetlands some...


15/04/2012 17:37

Some news from the Gambia

A Pels Fishing Owl was at Tendaba camp for a few days last week.The bird was located on the mangroves by a local guide and seen by several visiting birders


12/04/2012 17:22

Horbury Wyke a neglected area

Yesterday the 11th of April it was decided to pay a visit to Horbury Wyke.This is an area that has promised much over the years but never realy being a regular good spot for birding. It was a lovely sunny day though the fresh South Westerly wind was cool and many birds apparently preffered to...


10/04/2012 19:47

Migrants stil slow to appear

There is a superb male wheatear in the fields off Duckfleet Lane at Horbury Junction. Otherwise apart from 3 Swallows on dewsbury Sewage Works still rather quiet. There are 2 Gadwall and 2 Grey Lag geese on Horbury Wyke tonight. 5 Chiff Chaf are singing on Horbury Wyke. On t6he 8th of...


05/04/2012 18:03

Spring Migration still slow to get going in our area

Although we have had many pleasant and warm days of late the arrival of our Spring and Summer migrants is far from being fluent so far.Sand Martins have made occassional apearences at the colony site at Healy Mills with 7 birds there on the 26th of March then almost daily up to the 5th of April...


29/03/2012 08:41

Whooper Swan on Horbury Wyke

A Whooper Swan was on Horbury Wyke yesterday afternoon.This adult bird is the first seen there for several years.


28/03/2012 12:12

Calder farm A great place to be allowed to put nest boxes of all kinds

Its a long time since i visited a farm as thriving and full of life as Calder Farm just situated between Ravensthorpe and Grange Moor.Apart from the newly refurbished fishing lake near to the Ship Inn the Farm also has a thriving Horse riding buisness not to mention lots of land containing some...


22/03/2012 20:16

Some Local News

On Tuesday 20th of March 32 Common Snipe were flushed at Dewsbury Sewage Works the largest concentration for some time.Apart from a single chiff Chaff on Thornhill Wetlands in song migrants are stil slow toappear. On the 19th of March in fields above Sands Lane in Ravensthorpe some 56 Yellow...


20/03/2012 20:26

First signs of success from our nest box project

More nest boxes have being placed in our local area with some promising results coming from nest box inspections at existing sites. Our latest project involves the placing of boxes suitable for both Mandarin and Goosanders in a suitable site on the River Calder. Meanwhile on inspecting a box...


16/03/2012 19:15

Local News Nestbox schemes .

Nest boxes are been erected at variouse sites along the Calder Valley/Dewsbury area at the moment.Some of these nest boxes can be seen in our local photo gallery. For news and progress reports on this nest box work keep an eye on this website.
