Its worth a visit
Welcome to our website
The main aim of this website is to make local people aware of the Bird Life in and around my home town of Dewsbury
Nearly all my English birding activities centres around the Calder Valley in West Yorkshire but more specificly in the areas between Dewsbury Town and Horbury bridge with especial attention paid to an area now known as the Thornhill Wetlands were recently a new and very interesting Nature Reserve has been developed.
Also there is much information relating to my time spent Watching and photographing birds in the Gambia West Africa
My travels in the Gambia allways seem to be a great success with new species being added and photographed on each of my twelve visits so far.
Much of the praise for this success must go to my guide and friend PA JALLOW who is allways completely up to date with his observations and information regarding birding sites in the Gambia.
In recent years my Gambian trips have taken on a more scientific theme mainly due to my close friendship with the author Clive Barlow.Due to his influence i have managed to get photographs of birds published in many African Photographic Field Guides for which I am most grateful.
Visitor's notice
For anyone lucky enough to have visited the Gambia to either see the birds or indeed as I do indulge in photographing the birds and other wildlife one cannot fail to be ikmpressed by the sheer variety of not just the birds(which are more than worth devoting a holiday to themselves) but also the insects(particulary the butterflies and dragonflies and beetles) and indeed the mammals and reptiles all of which present a challenge of their own.
In building this website we hope to illustrate as wel as we can the great rewards for the photographer and birder alike that this small but very friendly country can offer.
Any serious photographers or birders wishing to bird alone or in very smallgroups could do worse than having a chat to our guide PA JALLOW who has gained much experience in the needs and requirements of travelling birders from several countries.
Going back to our more local activities I am lucky enough to have had as a friend for many years Russell Smithson who besides being an excellent birder was also a master joiner.His expertise in the construction of bird nesting boxes has added a great extension to our birding activities as we have embarked in the placingof nesting boxes in as many suitable locations along the Calder valley as we can manage.These include sites in Dewsbury,Mirfield ,Huddersfield and Ravensthorpe.
Allready we have had great success with many species including Tawny and Little Owl as well as the usual Blue and great tits as well as such birds as Wren and Stock Dove.We look forward to Spring 2012 with great anticipationte to have
More Recent Events
Covid has had a negative impact on much of my local birding with my local sewage works becoming out of bounds with this site previousely accounting for the majority of my records.
In more recent times I am spending more and more time in North Lincolnshire due to family reasons but have been fortunate to become familiar with some of the splendid Nature Reserves on Southern side of the River Humber particulary the Reserves Far Ings and especialy Alkborough Flats.
These two reserves are excellent for many Marsh and Wading birds with Alkborough being one of the best Bearded Tit sites iv ever encountered.
Another of my now favourite Reserves is Messingham Sand Quarry just around 15 minutes from my kids school an
d like other reserves in North Lincolnshire it is both Dog and Bycicle free making it ideal for Macro photography.
I look forwards to posting my sightings from this part of the country.
Second brood of young Goosanders seen at Ossett
Yellow Wagtails again on Dewsbury Sewage Works
Water Rail breeds succesfully on Dewsbury Sewage Works
Hobby over Thornhill Rectory Park
Some recent local records
Reed Warbler colony being filled in on Dewsbury Sewage Works
Quick news from the Gambia
Some Local News
Continuose rain taking its toll on our local Birding areas
Messingham Sand Quarry
Getting back into the swing with a trip to Scotton Common North Lincolnshire.
Alkboro Flats North Lincolnshire
Time to get back into the field again.
Goosanders doing well but Kingfishers suffer a setback
Hirrundines and Swifts gather again at local Sewage Works.
Alkington Flatts North Lincolnshires a brief visit.
Back to cloudy and cold but House martins increase.
What a difference a week makes.
Merlin pays brief visit to local sewage Works.