Its worth a visit

A good morning for migrants in the valley

28/04/2016 11:47

tDespite a quiet start to  the morning there was much activity on my patch mid morning.

4 Yellow Wagtails are on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works(this was after an initial single bird dropped in at 10:00.3 more folled in just a few minutes).

There was by 10:00 over 300 House Martins feeding at the Eastern end of the sewage works with around maybe 80 to 100 Swallows amongst them with a small contingent of Sand Martins.There is still at least 5 singing Reed Warblers on the sewage works this morning with 3 Common Whitethroats.

A Common Swift was over the compost heaps below Pidacre Ossett at around 10:15.

Chiff Chaffs have allready begun nest building at 2 sites but no sign of any of the Lesser Whitethroats which have been present on the Kerries/Pildacre area for the last few days.There is still 2 singing Blackcaps  in the copse at Kerries foods as well as 4 singing Willow Warblers.

A Grasshopper Warbler is frequenting the river banks of the Calder around the Saville Town area of the works.

