Its worth a visit

A trip to Trujjerey on Tuesday 13th of November 2012

25/11/2012 17:14

I t is very noticeable in The first part of November that bird numbers are nowhere as prolific as the numbers to be found in the months of January ,February and March.

For starters there sems to be hardly any of the Europpean visitors such as Woodchat,Winchat and Wheatears present atany of the suitable sights.Perhaps warblers are an exception with plenty of reports of Melodious and Sub alpine Warb;ers from birders allready working some sites.

On my arrival at rujjerey i was greeted with the sight of 2 Rufouse Crowned Rollers and 8 Long Tailed Glossy Starlings in the tree under which we were to park our car.2 Purple Glossy Starlings were feeding on the ground onth the first of the recently harvested ground nut fields and there was 20 Hooded vultures overhead as we embarked on our walk.

Butterflies were extremely numerous with severel hundred including good numbers of Painted ladies mixed in with the usual local species including some 24 Swallowtails.

5 African Black Kites were perched in the hedge around the first Ground Nut Field which had allready been harvested and a very noisy Whistling Cisticola was constantly trying to lead me away from its territory.

A walk into the 2nd Ground Nut field produced a surprise as a superb looking Black Bellied Bustard took off from in front of me by some 15 yards flying a short distance to the west and alighting in the next field

A very confiding Black Shouldered Kite was sat in the centre of a copse in the third Ground Nut field with 3 Afican Grey Hornbills noisily chasing one another in the same copse.3 Double Spurred francolins were flushed on the edge of the field and quickly made for cover

At leased 4 Black Crowned Tchagras were singing in the vicinity and 6 Black headed babbler were also very noisy on a nearby hedge.2 Veillots Barbetswere in trees on the 4th Nut field(this one still being worked upon and there was a party of some 32 Buffalo Weavers with some 8 Little Bee Eaters.European Bee Eaters were represented by 6 birds flying high above site but these were by no means common on this excursion.

2 Broad billed Rollers were displaying above this 4th Ground Nut Field

Getting around on this site was not asy today as vegetaion was very high and on one ocassion I managed to get lost for about 45 minutes as I couldnt see the track for the tall vegetation.

