Its worth a visit

A very quiet late Summer but hopefully better things to come.

20/09/2016 22:43

I cant remember having such a quiet time time for birds in this part o the Calder Valley as it has been but with Winter visitors arriving in the next couple of weeks Who knows .

A lot of our Summer Breeding birds apparently are clearing out earlier and earlierA walk in the valley this morning yeilded very little with last weeks Whitethroat now apparently moved on from Kerries plantation at Ossett.

Apart from a couple of Chiff Chaffs hanging around the Pildacre area and a single Sedge Warbler on Dewsbury Sewage Works there is a definate feeling that most of our Summer birds have gone to join up with more of their species before moving off to their Winter Quarters.

On the bright side Ducks are showing signs of arriving in the valley in good number.27 Shoveller where on the Calder just around the Hotworks Mill area  .Also there on the same area 18 Teal and 2 Little Grebes and on  the beds of Dewsbuty Sewage Works  

Pied Wagtails only numbered about 65 birds this morning and there is a single Green Sandpiper on the river Calder at Earlsheaton.          

