Its worth a visit

A visit to tanji Reserve on the morning of 30th March

09/04/2013 11:41

It was good to hear African Golden Oriole singing in the compound for around 10 minutes this morning.We arrived at Tanji around 10:15 and immediately went to the beach to try and get some sort of count of the seabirds present.

Royal Tern numbers came out at arouind 450 birds with Caspian terns numbering some420.Slender billed Gulls numbered some 1500 birds and Grey Headed gulls numbered some 2700 birds.Of the larger gulls there waas some72 of the Greater black backed Gull types with pink legs and some 112 Lesser Black Backed types with yellow legs.


There was 32 Pink Backed Pelicans around the fishing fleet.

There was 8 Black tailed Godwits and 78 Sanderling on the beach and just one Osprey was fishin beyond the beach

