Its worth a visit

13/11/14 Tanji Beach

03/12/2014 15:48

Due to the Beach side Cafe being closed the beach had to be approached from the Fish Market area which was beneficial due to numbers of Wading birds being present in that area.

6 Ringed Plovers where on the first part of the beach together with 7 Bar Tailed Godwits, and 8 Turnstone,6 Dunlin,12 Sanderling and single Grey Plover.

8 Cattle Egret where patrolling the fish landing area looking for scraps.

Just a single Osprey was patrolling the first part of the beach as where 2 Grey Heron and 12 Pied Crows.

At the top end of the beach a party of 22 Lesser Crested Terns all together with 98 Caspian Terns and some 68 Royal Terns.

Lesser Black Backs totalled around the 340 mark with a single immature Aduins Gull.No sign of Kelp Gull on this occassion and there where no Pelicans present.3 Ospreys where hanging around the top half of the beach.2 Crested Larks where on the inner part of the beach


