Its worth a visit

2 whitethroats singing on local reserve this afternoon

20/04/2015 19:10

2 Common Whitethroats where singing on Kerries Reserve Ossett this afternoon and are the first local Whitethroats to appear on my local patch.

Also on Kerries Reserve this afternoon 6 singing Chiff Chaffs and 2 singing Willow warblers.

Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage works 28 Tufted ducks and 5 Gadwall. 42 Teal still remain.No sign of any Shoveller this afternoon but 2 Water Rails calling from seperate Reed beds.

Also in the valley this afternoon 2 Common Buzzards.A very pale individual over Ossett Pildacre and a darker bird over Old Bank Thornhill.

2 Oyster catchers  are still on Dewsbury Sewage Works and up to press Sand Martins are showing a marked improvement on last years breeding numbers.Details will appear later.

