Its worth a visit

3 Yellow Wagtails and Swift at Dewsbury Sewage works this morning.

24/04/2013 13:55

3 Yellow Wagtais were on the filter beds at the Dewsbury Sewae Works this morning.The 2 males and a female were flushed towards the Western end of the works

Around 140 Hirrundines were also over the filter beds including some 35 House martins and the rest made up mostly of swallows.

2 Whitethroats are on kerries Reserve with 3 singing makle Blackcaps and 1 female Blackcap

A Common Swift came in from the East as it followed the Calder Westwards AT 11:10 HOURS.There are 3 singing male Whitethroats now on Dewsbury sewage works.2 Common sandpipers were on the Calder around Kerries Reserve area.

Also 3 Gadwal on Dewsbury Sewage works

