Its worth a visit

3 Yellow Wagtails (including a stunning male) arrive on local Sewage works.

29/04/2015 16:25

3 Yellow Wagtails are on the filter beds at the Eastern end of Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon including 1 male and 2 females.

The birds are following a moving sprinkler rail on the second filter bed below the entrance gate adjacent to the compost heaps below Pildacre Fields Chickenley.

Also on the Sewage Works 5 Gadwall,1 Green Sandpiper and 4 singing Reed Warblers.

There are now 5 singing Whitethroats and 4 singing Blackcaps on the Sewage Works as well as 2 very noisy Water Rails on seperate beds on the Earlsheaton end of the works.

There are also 10 pairs of Tufted ducks on the works an 22 Teal.

A good flock of some 350 Swallows are feeding over the filter beds along with c 140 House Martins and some 120/130 Sand martins.

Nearby the local Sand Martin colonies on the Calder are both well up on last year with birds moving further up the valley from the old colony to new sites .

There are 2 pairs of Kingfishers displaying at the moment and cand both be seen from the well used path on the southern bank of the river between Ossett and Dewsbury

