Its worth a visit

All quiet on the South Western front

04/08/2015 19:39

Whenever the wind goes and stays in the South Westerly direction for a few days there never seems to be as many birds around.

There are still 3 Green Sandpipers on the sewage works at Dewsbury today.Also there today an immature Shellduck on the only water lagoon on the works.This later flew off to the East.7 Common Snipe are on theLower beds ofthe works absurdly trying to hide in the middle of the open sewage bed(see gallery)

Crow numbers are rising rapidly with some 170 birds there today made up of around 100 Jackdaws (mainly immature birds) and around 70 Carrion Crows also with many immature birds.There are 10 Grey Wagtails on the sprinkler beds and around 28 Black Headed Gulls(only 3 juveniles).

27 Mallard are on the River Calder below Mill Bank Thornhill.There is a single Shoveller on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

