Its worth a visit

At last spring is on its way.

14/03/2018 22:14

It was nice to see 2 pairs of Oyster Catcher in full display flight below Mill Bank Thornhill this morning.One of the birds wears aa ring placed upon it as a chick in Southampton Water 6 years ago.

2 singing Chiff Chaff are in full song in the hedgerow below Pildacre Chickenley.

Nearby on Dewskbury Sewage Works some 84 Teal,10 Widgeon,2 Gadwall,9 Shoveller and 2 Shellduck(male and female)A Common Buzzard and male Sparrow Hawk where also over Earlsheaton mid morning.

11 Cormorants where on the River Calder at Saville Town but no sign of the 2 Little Grebes which have been spending their Winter on the River Calder below Earlsheaton.

