Its worth a visit

At Last Thrushes start to arrive in some sort of quantities

24/10/2012 21:12

Today with light North Easterly Winds saw the first real signs of movements of Winter thrushes in our area.

This morning around the Dewsbury Sewage works area two partied one of 58 Redwings and the other of 47 flew south easterly mid morning and there was 6 Redwings in the Copse at Kerries Foods reserve.A party of 27 Fieldfares flew Easterly at 11:15.A little Grebe was on the Calder at Earlsheaton.

At Horbury Wyke late afternoon some 70 Redwing flew south while at least 40 were inthe hedgerows just before the main flash.20 Fieldfare flew south and there was at least 20 in the hedgerows around ducfleet lane

leet lane.

In Kerries reserve early evening there was 22 long Tailed Tits,3 Goldcrests,20 blackbirds,17 redwing,a single Green Sandpiper,

On Horbury Wyke at 16:00 to 18:30 hours 65 Mallard,14 Teal 9 Widgeon,1 Grey lag goose,2 Shoveller,31 moorhen,1 Little Grebe,2 Common Snipe,23 Lapwing 5 Stock Doves 60 Starlings 1 Kestrel 1 Sparrow hawk,.165 Black Headed gulls flew east towards Pugnets.

 party of 280 Starlings came in from the east over Healy Road Ossett and flew to the West.

