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Back to Mild conditions and Spring is almost in the air

18/02/2015 19:43

Its surprising how as good sunny day in mild conditions makes birds behave like spring is just around the corner.

Allready today Goosanders where showing signs of display the 8 birds there all now paired up with some pairs chasing each other the way they do in the mating season.

There are now 2 Little Grebes on the River Calder at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett doing most of their fishing just underneath the Sand Martin colony.As mentioned 8 Goosanders are on the Dewsbury/Ossett stretch of the River Calder  at the moment all of them apparently ready paired up for the coming breeding season.Also on the River Calder in the same section 8 Tufted Ducks, 6 Goldeneye and 7 Widgeon(4 males).the latter spending most of their time frequenting the Saville Town area of the river.

Duck numbers more or less unchanged rlsewhere with around 185 Teal on Dewsbury Sewage Works along with 9 Shoveller(4 males) and 38 Mallard. Pied Wagtails number around the 180 mark along with 5 Grey Wagtails sharing the first set of filter beds with some 170 Black Headed Gulls and a single Green Sandpiper.25 Lapwings flew south at 10:45 this morning.18 Common Snipe where flushed on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.

