Its worth a visit

Barn Owl again turns up hunting over Runtling Fields Ossett

19/12/2016 19:06

A Barn Owl was quartering the fields in the lower half of Runtlings Ossett this morning at around 08:15.It would be nice if this lone bird could somehow find itself a partner as it seems there are adequate breeding sites in this part of Ossett as well as a very good and plentyfull food supply.

Also nearby today 2 Peregrine Falcons have again spent a good part of the day perched on North Ossett Church.It is hoped that these birds are new to the area and not the same two Peregrines that occupy the spire of Wakefield Cathedral.Hopefully these birds will choose this site as their breeding place in the coming months.

Our feeding station at Ossett was quite busy this morning with a good variety of birds including 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers,4 Bullfinches,8 Chaffinch,6 Blue Tits,8 Great Tits,1 Willow Tit,2 Goldcrests,10 Blackbirds,3 Song Thrushes and 2 Wrens.

On the river Calder at Earlsheaton 8 Goldeneye including 3 males.360 Black Headed Gulls (approx)Where on Dewsbury Sewage works along with 145 Teal,3 Shoveller and 22 Mallard.78 Pied Wagtails where on the sprinklers at 10:45 along with 4 Grey Wagtails.

