Its worth a visit

Brief break in freezing conditions sees local birds back in good numbers

08/02/2015 21:02

Its good to see most of the local ponds unfrozen again locally.Duck numbers in our part of the valley are back up to prerviouse levels on the river Calder with still 12 Goldeneye,8 Goosanders,2 Little Grebes,18 Cormorants all showing well between Earlsheaton and Dewsbury town centre.

Thrushes  have not being over numerouse this Winter but the sight of 12 Mistle Thrushes in a field above Kerries Food Factory was very welcome.

Other Thrushes in this part of the valley included 24 Blackbirds on Mill Bank Thornhill and just 16 Redwings on Kerries Reserve Ossett

The feeders on Kerries are busy once again with 2 Bullfinches male and female,6 Blue Tits,7 Great tits,4 Chaffinch,8 Robins +4 more Robins on the compost heaps below Pildacre.Also on the compost heaps 14 Meadow Pipits,4 Dunnocks and 2 Chiff Chaff.

On Dewsbury Sewage Works now Pied Wagtail numbers up again to 200+ mainly on the central filter beds near the office complex used by Yorkshire Waters sub contracters.A single Green Sandpiper on the same filter beds along with a party of some 120 Black Headed Gulls.

On the Sewage Works lagoons some 180 to 200 Teal,8 Shoveller, and 48 Mallard.2 Water Rails calling from 2 locations on the Sewage Works plus a single bird disturbed and alarming in the centre of Kerries Reserve.Female Sparrow Hawk was hunting Pied Wagtails on the sewage works and a single Kestrel was hovering over Mill Bank Thornhill.

