Its worth a visit

Bullfinches doing well in the valley

16/12/2015 20:50

With dreary overcast conditions for much of the week there as been little to cheer about.When the river Calder is at a very high level a lot of the ducks and similar species tend to wander off in search of more easy feeding environments.o this morning it was nice to come across a party of some 8 Bullfinches on the hedgerow just at the very bottom of the Runtlings area of Ossett.These where constantly on the move and consisted of at least 3 Adult males.They are easily located by their very soft calls as they communicate with each other.Also on the same hedgerow despite the constant drizzle was a singing Mistle Thrush undettered by the miserable conditions.

There is very little on our part of the river at the moment  but below Mill Bank Thornhill there is at least 9 Goosanders and 10 Cormorant both apparently having little difficulty finding food despite the swollen water levels.

On the fields around Hostingley Lane this morning 63 Lapwings the most for some time.

Dewsbury sewage Works still has 142 Teal and 7 Shoveller but very little else of interest.

