Its worth a visit

Chiff Chaff arrives on the Reserve on Thornhill Wetlands

04/11/2011 17:17

The Reserve on Thornhll Wetlands run by Kirklees Friends of the Environment has been unusually quiet over the last few weeks.Southerly based winds and unusually mild weather has meant low numbers of Winter Thrushes and Finches,and allthough the feeders on the reserve have been filled for some time it is only over the past couple of days that feeding parties of both Titmice and Finches have started to visit them.

There has been much good work going on at the reserve with the partial clearing of the central boggy area of unwanted trees permitting much more light in to that area and so making feeders and drinking areas much more visible to overflying birds(see photogallery).

Our first overstaying Chiff Chaff was located yesterday afternnon near the sewage works border fence(the same place as last years overstaying bird).

There was 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers on the feeders together ths afternoon with an adult pair and a juvenile suggesting a family party.Also on the feeders 6 Chaffinch,7 Blue tits,5 Great Tits and 3 Robins competing for dominance of the bird table area.

Al;so Water rail calling from the banks of the river just oppossite the reserve.There has been no sightings of Buzzards over our per of the calder Valley this week.

