Its worth a visit

Cuckoo arrives on my local patch

13/05/2014 13:28

A Cuckoo flew on to Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning calling as it arrived.The bird stayed for some 14 minutes before flying off on to Mill Bank Thornhill where it continued to call.

also this morning a significant movement of Swifts up our part of the Calder Valley with some 600 birds per hour passing over dewsbury sew age works between 07:30 and 10:30.

also nearby 2 Tawny Owl chicks have succesfuly left their nesting box amd despite being harrased by the adults a picture of one of the chicks  can be seen on this website photogallery no 2.

sedge warblers seem to be doing better than Reed warblers on my local patch with only 4 pairs of Reed Warblers compared to 9 pairs of Sedge Warblers so far on both Kerries Foods reserve(3 pairs of Sedge Warblers) and DewsburySewage(6 pairs of Sedge and 4 pairs  of  Reed Warblers. 2 species have not returned so far  they being Lesser Whitethroat and Grasshopper Warbler both of which bred localy last year.

Also Common Sandpiper has yet to be recorded in my part of the valley.

