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Duck numbers still reasonable on the Local Sewage Works

04/03/2014 19:06

Despite mild weather and the approaching Spring duck numbers on Dewsbury Sewage Works are still reasonable.A decent number of Teal at around 98 where presentv this morningand these where scattered all around the waterlogged beds at the Western end of the works.Also on the first lagoon 8 Wigeon(including 7 male birds) and 4 Tufted Ducks(2 pairs).There are still 8 Shovellers on the works with 5 males and 3 females.With around 28 Mallard and 2 Goosander females on the Calder there is still around 150 ducks on the works.

On the filter beds around 125 Pied Wagtails and 2 Grey Wagtails this morning along with 58 Carrion Crows and now 2 Oyster catchers showing brief signs of display.

2 Grey Lag Geese flew West over the works at 09:55 followed some 10 minutes later by 2 Canada geese.There are still very few small birds on the works apart from the Wagtails.

Black Headed Gulls on the settling tanks numberes some 280 birds and a single Lesser Black Backed Gull was sat amongst them.

Meanwhile on Kerries Foods reserve 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers male and female are making short work of anything in the feeders along with 3 Reed Buntings,4 Chaffinch,6 Goldfinch 8 Blue Tits and 7 Great tits

There where 9 Blackbirds and 5 Song Thrushes on the reserve this morning along with 3 pairs of displaying Dunnocks and 5 Robins.

