Its worth a visit

Ducks continue to increase in my part of the Calder Valley.

10/03/2016 11:49

I was somewhat surprised this morning to find the amount of debris left behind by the latest rise in water levels by the calder between Ossett and Dewsbury.

Once again there is considerable signs of flooding on the copse besides Kerries food factory and judging by the amount of litter and plastic bottles left behind the river must have overflowed somewhat.There is also a new water flash alongside the road bridge across the Calder at Saville Town quickly taken advantage of by several duck species and many Black Headed Gulls.

There are now 37 Shoveller on or asround Dewsbury Sewage Works.I think this isx a record for this species on that site.Also this morning 5 Gadwall and 42 Teal.The latter species tends to disperse rather quickly during March whilst other species tend to increase,.There are still 8 Goosanders on the Calder with 2 pairs allready showing signs of display etc.4 Tufted ducks are newly arrived.Mallard numbers are at 38 and the Cormorant numbers have remained for most of the Winter at 8 birds.

2 Little Grebes are still on the Calder at Earlsheaton and a single Green Sandpiper is frequenting the circular settling tanks on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

A male Sparrow Hawk was flushed from the compost heaps below Pildacre Chickenley and a single Chiff Chaff is still frequenting the compost heap site.

29 Goldfinches flew from Millbank to Pildacre at 10:15 but the feeders on Kerries reserve where quiet this morning with only 5 Blue Tits,3 Great Tits,2 Chaffinch and 2 Bullfinch(male and female)2 Oyster catchers are frequenting Dewsbury Sewage Works at the moment.

