Its worth a visit

First Frog Spawn in local ponds,first Small Tortoiseshell Butterflies flitter around the upcoming Daffodils

11/03/2015 11:21

The  ponds on our local reserve at Kerries foods was full of Frog Spawn yesterday and the first Small Tortoishell Butterflies where flitting around the banks of the River Calder a sure sign that Spring is well on its way.

Elsewhere 2 flocks of Lapwings flew up the River Calder neatr earlsheaton yesterday 1 a party of 26 and the other a party of 22 both making their way slowly Westwards.

Also yesterday 2 displaying Oyster Catchers on Dewsbury Sewage works only 2 days after the 2nd bird had arrived.

Duck numbers on the sewage works are still good with a record number of Shovellers now totalling 22 birds on the lower lagoons.Also on the sewage works 52 Mallard,6 Tufted Ducks,172 Teal and 2 Gadwall.

6 Goldeneye are still on the calder near Dewsbury and 3 pairs of Goosander have settled at variouse points of the river between Ossett and Dewsbury.

A single Green Sandpiper is on the central filter beds of the sewage works.

Also yesterday on the sewage works 2 very noisy Water rails on different beds of the works.

There are still some 280 Black Headed gulls on the works on or around the central tanks and a pair of Common Kestrels where displaying in the afternoon.

The feeders on kerries reserve where busty yesterday morning with single Great spotted Woodpecker male,2 Bullfinch male and female,6 Blue Tits,5 Great tits,4 Chaffinch,4 Goldfinch,6 Long tailed Tits and still 8 Robins.

Pied Wagtails still number around 120 with still 5 Grey Wagtails and around 12 Meadow Pipits feeding on filter beds at the western end of the works .

