Its worth a visit

First Hobby of the year makes an appearence

27/04/2016 10:27

A Hobby flew with great speed through the plantation just below the Compost producing compound  in Pildacre Chickenley this morning at 08:00.

It was again located above Mill Bank Thornhill diving periodicly in pursuit of Sand Martins which are busy at this time excevating nesting burrows on the banks of the River Calder between Pidacre fields and Dewsbury Town.

The Wood Warbler located in the small copse just off Healy Road Ossett was still there singing at 07:10 this morning but it was much more elusive some 90 minutes later when I returned to the site.

Whitethroats appear to have increased slightly this morning with 4 singing males between Healy Road Ossett and Pildacre Chickenley.There are now also 3 singing males on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

2 Lesser Whitethroats also are still singing in the hedges around Kerries food factory.

