Its worth a visit

First Woodcock of the Autumn and Water Rails showing very well on local Sewage Works

25/10/2014 17:26

A Woodcock flushed fron the centre area of the reserve at Kerries Foods Ossett this afternoon.The bird waited until I was virtualy treading on it before taking off slently and flying off to the North East.

Meanwhile a single adult Water Rail was feeding out in the open on the sewage bed that runs adjacent vto Hotworks Mill Earlsheaton at arouns 16:10 this afternoon

Otherwise allthough pretty quiet in the area there is still 68 Teal,7 Shoveller,62 Mallard frequentin the river Calder between Healy Road Ossett and the canal Basin in Dewsbury.No sign of either Mandarin Ducks or Green Sandpipers at the moment.There as been a maximum of 18 Common Snipe on Dewsbury Sewage Works all week.

Thewre are just very small parties of Redwings in the valley art the moment with a noticeable increase in the numbers of Blackbirds and Song Thrushes.

There seems to  be very few small birds around at the momenteven the bird feeders on Kerries reserve have not yet has any significant numbers with only one Robin and 3 Great Tits feeding there today.There are 8 Cormorants and a single Goosander on the Calder between Ossett and Dewsbury.

