Its worth a visit

Generally quiet but Green Sandpipers still showing well

12/08/2014 06:44

With prelevent South Westerly  Winds things are pretty quiet on my patch at the moment.However there are 4 Green Sandpipers showing well and spending their time either on a small bed on Dewsbury sewage Works or on the banks of the River calder below Thornhill Mill Bank.As the water level on the Calder rises due to the present showery conditions I assume the former mentioned site will be hosting these birds the most.

There are also still 15 Common Snipe present on Dewsbury Sewage works and I expect this number to steadily increase as we get the annual late Summer/Autumn build up of this species in our area.

Phylloscupus Warblers are building up nicely on Kerries Reserve Ossett with a small bush yesterday paying host to some 15 birds apparently going by the calls mainly Chiff Chaff.2 pairs of Chiff Chaff have bred on Kerries rearing 8 young and these birds are also still present.South Westerly/Westerly winds appear to be good for these birds as the winds blow large numbers of Black flies from the sewage works filter beds on to the metal fence making it easy for the Warblers to feed.There was some 35 Phylloscs on the Western end of Kerries yesterdy afternoon.

Mallard numbers are starting to increase on the Sewage works with 42 birds present yesterday and there is at least 18 young Tufted Ducks with their parents  below Mill Bank.

Reed warblers appear to be moving out as only 2 birds present on the works .I was hoping with all the Cuckoo activity earlier in the Summer i would hve been able to come across a young bird being fostered but so far no luck.

