Its worth a visit

Generaly quiet this morning but both Whitethroat and Reed warblers still to be found localy

04/09/2013 19:00

A Common Whitethroat was on Kerries Reserve Ossett this morning   also 5 Chiff Chaffs also on the Reserve.A single Reed warbler  and single Sedge warbleris still on the central beds at Dewsbury Sewage works with another 4 Chiff Chaffs present at the same sight.The increase in Pied Wagtail numbers (87 there today) has increased also the activities of 2 Sparrow hawks on the site continualy chasing the Wagtails with both male and female Sparrow Hawk being unsuccesful on this occassionduring my stay.

Teal numbers appear to be increasing slowly with 52 birds on the bed near Hotworks Mill sharing the bed with 3 Common Snipe.Other birds on the Sewage works include Common Kestrel huntimg near the compost heaps,2 Redpoll went South at 10:25 anda single Little Grebe was on the open lagoon.

