Its worth a visit

Hirrundines gather at local site

16/04/2015 06:48

Around 400 Hirrundines where over thew sprinkler beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works yesterday.

These consisted of some 340 Swallows,around 40 House Martins and just about20 Sand Martins.No doubt the heavy cloud conditions played its part in concentrating the birds there.

There are now 17 Tufted Ducks on the river Calder around the Earlsheaton/Saville Town area.4 Chiff Chaffs are singing on Kerries Reserve Ossett and 3 Gadwall are on the river Calder near the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.A single Green Sandpiper is present on the banks of the Calder around the Saville Town area.

It still feels a little quiet generally for Summer Migrants but judging by the expanding Phragmitese on the beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works it is hoped that a further increase in the number of Reed  and Sedge Warblers will happen in the next couple of weeks.

