Its worth a visit

Hobby again hunting around the valley between Ossett and Dewsbury

09/08/2014 20:18

A Hobby has been spending much of the day hunting along the calder valley between Ossett and Dewsbury.

With many of the local breeding sand martins recently having newly fledged youngsters the Hobby has been concentrating its efforts chasing young birds which are still finding their feet away from the colony.The hobby seems to be concentrating its efforts in the area around the fields below Pildacre,Ossett and appears to be better seen around lunchtime.

Also in the valley todasy 3 Green Sandpipers near Dewsbury Sewage works and 15 Common Snipe .The latter usualy builds up its numbers in late summer early Autumn around mill Bank and if the conditions allow the banks of the Marshalling Yard sidings where in wet conditions birds can be flushed from the local footpaths.The build up of Snipe usualy goes on till late October when anything from around 50 to 100 birds can be counted in our area of the Valley.

48 Lapwings are still on Dewsbury Sewage Works wirh 42 Mallard and 3 Teal.10 Grey wagtails where on the filter beds along with 28 mainly immature Pied Wagtails.

