Its worth a visit

House Martins in good numbers on the local Works.

02/05/2014 20:11

A flock os some 140 House Martins where over the sprinkler beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning with small numbers of Swallows and Sand Martins. There are now 5 Gadwall on the same area together with 8 Tufted ducks.There are no Teal on the Sewage works but this morning still 2 Little Grebes,18 Mallard(including 2 parties of small ducklings of 11 and 9 respectively).

2 pairs of Kingfishers are now firmly in territory on the Calder between Horbury and Dewsbury and there are still 3 pairs of Goosanders on the Calder in the area giving speculation that youngsters are about to appear anytime now.A single Green Sandpiper is still frequenting the Calder around the Earlsheaton.

3 Reed Warblers and 5 Sedge warblers are singing on Dewsbury sewage works and also on the same sight now 3 pairs of Whitethroats,2 singing Blackcaps  and 3 pairs of Reed buntings are also in prospective breeding areas on the sewage works.

A single Garden Warbler,4 singing Chiff chaffs,3 Willow warblers and 3 pairs of Dunnocks are are also displaying regulary on Kerries Reserve Ossett.

