Its worth a visit

House Martins make a welcome return

26/04/2017 11:58

House Martins seem to have suffered a decline(as with so many other species)over the last few years.Hopefully this year will see an upturn in their fortunes and it was nice to come across a feedng flock of about 250 birds over the compost heaps at the bottom of Pidacre fields Ossett yesterdat morning(there was still around 160 birds present this morning.)Also in the same feeding flock some 135 Swallows.As in previouse years we experience a westerly passage of both these species which goes on for about 10 to 14 days depending on the weather.Low cloud and low pressure brings down the insects on which these birds feed and the compost heaps below Pildacre appear to offer the perfect gathering place for these airborne insects to gather in clouds thus providing a feeding feast for all the Hirrundine family Swallows and Martins alike.-3 Common Swifts where over Dewsbury Sewage Works at 09:15

Nice to see a Common Sandpiper on the river Calder below Earlsheaton this morning.These birds also have declined very much in recent years in this part of the valley hope fully we shall be seeing a few more as they make their way up river to their breeding grounds.

2 Common Shellducks are still hanging around near the Hotworks Mill area presumably with the intention of breeding as do the 2 Oyster Catchers frequenting the same area for several weeks now.

There are now 2 singing male Reed Warblers on Dewsbury Sewage Works now and it is hoped more will come.11 pairs bred last year along with 3 pairs of Sedge Warblers the latter still to make an appearence there.

There are 2 singing Common Whitethroats around the Kerries Foods area this morning but none further up the river towards Dewsbury.There was around 5 breeding pairs last year in this area.Hopefully when the weather improves we will see more returning birds back in their regular breeding habitat.

There are several broods of young Mallard ducklings on the Calder around Earlsheaton at the moment most of which are only a few days old.Predation has been high so far this year with several nests of both Mallard and Canada Geese been destroyd  apparently by foxes though there are also sings of Mink involvment at several sites.

A pair of w Sparrow Hawks have been displaying over Pidacre Lane for several days now and a Common Kstreel can be seen hunting for food on the Railway embankment below Millbank Thornhill most mornings.

