Its worth a visit

House Martins on the move this morning

17/09/2013 17:30

Heavy cloud and generaly overcast conditions produced a noteable passage of House Martins moving Eastwards this morning.Although numbers of Hirrundines  seem to be much down on previouse years there was still some 400 birds counted drifting easterly in 2 hours between 08:00 and 10:00 this morning.There was no records of Sand Martins and only a handful of Swallows amongst these numbers.

There are 46 Lapwings on Dewsbury Sewae Works with 52 Teal and 2 Shoveller and 18 Mallard.3 Chiff Chaff are still in our patch with 2 on Dewsbury Sewage Works and one on Kerries Reserve Ossett.There are 54 Jackdaws are feeding on the filter beds on the Sewage Works but no noticeable numbers of small birds with Pied Wagtails being conspicous by their absence.Thwere was 2 Kinfishers on the banking near the Sand martin colony at around 11:10.A single Green Sandpiper was on the river Calder near Earlsheaton.


