Its worth a visit

Lapwings gathering on the rooftops

24/07/2014 16:49

A flock of some 148 Lapwings is frequenting the flat roofs of buildings on the Industrial estate around Saville Town Dewsbury at the moment.

They spend the greater part of the day in the riverside fields adjacent to the Canal Basin flying frequently to alight on the rooftops of the industrial site and are often joined by small numbers of Lesser Black backed gulls and also small numbers of Black headed gulls.

Elsewhere there is a male Mandarin duck on the River calder around the Mill Bank Thornhill area amd also a single Green Sandpiper.

The long dry spell has resultedin most of the local flooded ponds being dry and there is little habitat localy save the river bank for wading birds.

There are still 18 Tufted duck Ducklings on Dewsbury Sewage works as well as 3 Little Grebe chicks.Also there today 9 Grey Wagtails mainly juvenile birds and 36 Mallard.

