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Latest news from our patch

01/05/2012 14:25

Over 1000 Swallows, 400 House Martins and around 150 Swifts with some 50 Sand martins were all feeding very low over the filter beds at Dewsbury Sewage Works at 10:15 this morning (see photogallery).Most of the House Martins were hawking over bushes on the river bank were there was huge columns of flying insects.

A single Reed Warbler is singing on Dewsbury Sewage works and there is also 2 Gadwal there.A single Whitethroat is on Kerries Foods Reserve this morning.Teal have virtually gone from Dewsbury sewage works with just 2 birds present.

There are no signs of Sedge,Reed or Grasshopper Warblers on the Kerries reserve as yet.

Nearby on Horbury Wyke there was this morning 250 Swallows with some 45 House Martins and some 10 common swifts.

10 Gadwall are on the Wyke main flash (5 pairs) anmd there are 10 Goosander on the river near Horbury Sewage works 5 males and 5 females.



