Its worth a visit

Little Egret makes a welcome re appearence in our part of the valley.

31/07/2014 17:01

A Little Egret was frequenting the banks of the River Calder in Dewsbury just a few hundred yards below the Canal Basin this afternoon.The bird was flushed from the waters edge and flew off alighting in a Group of Willow Trees just below Mill Bank Farm where it became hidden from view.

Also in the same area on the river 3 broods of Tufted ducks totaling 19 birds now about half grown.A Kingfisher is busy feeding a youngster on the wing just below mill Bank Thornhill and cis the only sign of success so far from the 2 pairs which have been attending sites in our area.

On the local Sewage works at dewsbury there are still 9 Grey Wagtails with about 35 Pied Wagtails.Also on the same site some 84 Lapwings and 8 Common Snipe but no sightings of Green Sandpiper at the moment.We are very short of wader sites at the moment and could do with a few days of rain to remedy this.

2 Water rails where alarming at two sites on Dewsbury Sewage works

