Its worth a visit

Little Ringed Plover and House martin return to local patch,

16/04/2014 20:38

A  Little Ringed Plover was circling around dewsbury Sewage works this morning.after 10 minutes inspecting the site the bird flew off to the west.Also 3 House martins in a party of some 20 Sand martins over the calder near Earlsheaton

Also on the sewage works 4 Gadwall 35 Teal,3 Shoveller.

Nearby on Kerries reserve 4 singing Blackcaps,5 Chiff Chaff and 4 Willow warblers.

There are 3 pairs of Grey wagtails breeding on my patch at the moment which i think is the most we have had for several years

There was 3 Orange Tip Butterflies,several Speckled Wood Butterflies and dozens of Peacock butterflies on my patch today.

