Its worth a visit

Lone Buzzard over Earlsheaton only highlight of an otherwise quiet day

12/09/2013 19:27

A single Buzzard passed North Westerly over Earlsheaton at 15:10 this afternoon.It was very distant and made positive identification difficult.There is now 68 Lapwings and 3 Common Snipe on Dewsbury Sewage Works at the moment but no sign today of the numbers of Pied Wagtails or Starlings which have been feeding there for the last few days.52 Teal were present today with a single eclipse male Shoveller on the bed near Hotworks Mill.

There are still 2 Chiff Chaff on the Sewage works as well as 3 on kerries Reserve but otherwise the beds on the Sewage works are deserted.There was 2 Bullfinch and 8 Goldfinch as well as 8 Reed Buntings on Kerries Reserve but the whole area was very quiet today as compared to previouse visits.

