Its worth a visit

Marsh Harrier reported over Grange Moor on Friday and Hobby at Dewsbury Sewage Works the last two days

22/08/2012 19:42

A Cream Crowned Marsh Harrier was seen by one observer flying over Grange Moor towards Huddersfield on Friday.

There are good numbers of hirrundines at Dewsbury sewage works for the last 2 days with some 300 Swallows,250 House Martins and around 140 Sand Martins and up to 8 Swifts.

A Hobby appeared yesterday afternoon causing great panic amongst the Hirrundines which had been gradualy moving very slowly to the South West

The Hobby reappeared this morning again causing great panic amongst the feeding Hirrundines'

There are still some 88 Lapwing on the Works at Dewsbury with several Common Snipe feeding amongst them.There is also a flock of some 135 Goldfinch feeding on thistled on the works.Pied Wagtail numbers are still well down with only 47 birds this morning on the sprinklers with 5 Grey Wagtails


