Its worth a visit

Migrants still slow to appear localy.

30/03/2014 18:09

Apart from the few Sand Martins and 3 singing Chiff Chaff on Kerries Reserve at Ossett migrants are still proving to be slow at arriving on our local area.

Still 58 Teal,11 Tufted ducks and 2 Shovellers on the local sewage works at Dewsbury.Also this morning 3 Water Rails calling at different sites.2 on Dewsbury Sewage Works  and one on Kerries Reserve at Ossett.

Still 85 Carrion Crows on Dewsbury Sewage Works  and the first evidence of nest and egg destruction with 3 Mallard eggs broken and eaten.

Also a report of 5 soaring Common Buzzards over Woodkirk this afternoon.This species appears capable of turning up anywhere at the moment

