Its worth a visit

Mild weather great for most but creates little activity on the local birding scene

30/10/2014 19:58

There seems to be an exceptional berry crop this Autumn/Winter but as yet nothing has arrived to take advantage of them.Theres been a noticeable increase in Blackbirds in the valley with at least 10-12 birds currently on Kerries and some 18 to 20 birds on Mill Bank Thornhill but so far only one noticeable party of 25 Redwings arriving yesterday from the north over Earlsheaton and into a small copse just below Pildacre/Chickenley.These birds where immediately harrased by a marauding male Sparrow Hawk which when unsuccesful continued on its journey eastwards.Meanwhile on the River calder now 2 Little Grebes have taken up residence below Mill Bank Thornhill as have a party of some 3 Goosanders.Also still in the area 8 Shoveller,67 Teal,63 Mallard and 27 Common Snipe all on Dewsbury Sewage works.3 herons are feeding on the same site almost daily as are a single Common Kestrel and at least 2 water rail.

A party of 32 lesser Black Backed gulls flew in low from the North West at 14:40 yesterday afternoon slowly continuing Eastwards.

A Common Buzzard is frequenting the fields at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett and can be seen most days usualy being mobbed by Jackdaws and a further 2 Common Buzzards are frequenting the area sround the Cader Grove farm shop just up from the british Oak pub on Denby dale Road Wakefield.It is hoped a change in the weather will bring more activity in to the area soon.

