Its worth a visit

Not all bad news.Reed Warblers increase their numbers at local sites

16/06/2015 12:30

There are now at least 10 pairs of Reed Warblers breeding on my local sewage works in Dewsbury.This is an increase of about 4 pairs compaired with last years numbers.Sedge warblers on the other hand seem less prolific with only 2 pairs returning out of last years 5 pairs.

Also on the same site .13 Lapwings today,2 Little Ringed Plovers,2 Oyster Catchers.

A Cuckoo was calling all morning from Mill Bank Thornhill.

Carrion Crow numbers give call for concern with around 120 prersent along with some 42 Jackdaws  also on the sewage works this morning.

A Kestrel is feeding a single youngster reared in a local nesting box on the banks of the River Calder at the moment.A Comm Buzzard was over earlsheaton at 10:25 this morning flying North.

