Its worth a visit

Peregrine spends afternoon on local Church and Barn Owl again appears hunting in the fields around Healy Road Ossett.

18/02/2016 14:55

A Peregrine Falcon spent most of yesterday afternoon having its lunch on the tower of North Ossett Church.Its exact type of prey could not be properly identified.Peregrines are starting to become a regular sight around the Ossett and Shaw Cross areas and probably do their hunting around the rural areas between Gawthorpe and Wakefield where there is much suitable prey.

Also this week more sightings of Barn Owl hunting in the fields adjacent to Healy Road Ossett.The bird usualy appers at the moment between 7-30 and 8-30 around the converted chapel area about half way down Healy Road and at times it is hunting quite close to the road.

