Its worth a visit

Phylloscopus Warblers increase amid signs of early dispersals

31/07/2016 19:22

Around 60 House Martins where on wires around the Kerries Food Factory at 07:00 hours this morning.In a year marked for a noticeable decrease in local numbers this is not a bad number of birds.24 Mistle Thrushes where in trees just before the entrance to the metal walking bridge at the bottom of Healy road Ossett along with 2 family parties of Goldfinches both with one adult and 3 juveniles.It appears to have been a very good season for Goldfinches once again with several family parties located in this part of the Calder Valley.

2 Green Sandpipers arrived on Dewsbury Sewage Works at 08:50 this morning and are spending most of their feeding time on the Hotworks Mill lagoon at the Western end of the Works.

No sign of the 2 young Common Buzzards found yesterday hopefully they have found their wings and moved in to a more secure location than yesterday.

Chiff Chaff numbers have increases slightly to about 40 birds still feeding on the vast numbers of small flies blown on to the metal bor fence at the base of Pildacre fields.There are around 15 Willow Warblers but only a handfull of Whitethroats present this morning.Peak feeding time seems to be around 08:30 as a return to the site around 09:40 produced a lot fewer birds.

