Its worth a visit

Pink Backed Pelicans doing well at Kwinnela

14/11/2014 21:46

Just 5km from the camp at Tendaba is the village of Kwinnela where there is a long established breeding colony of tree nesting Pink Backed Pelcans.

Onthis occassion the colony consisted ofsome 62 birds   mainly in 2 large Bullow trees with just a few pairs in a single  tree about a hundred yards from the main colony.

The birds are broodingand feeding small young though only around 20 nests are visible.

Also in the village this morning 5 Yellow Crowned Gonoleks,3 Shikra,4 Village Indigo Birds,8 Long Tailed Glossy Starlings 18 Hooded Vultures and 3 3 African Harrier Hawks.

