Its worth a visit

Returning Pink Feet remind us that Spring is on its way

18/02/2014 16:46

66 Pink Footed Geese flew over Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning at 10:05 flying North West.

Also on dewsbury Sewage Works 118 Teal,6 Shoveller (4 males ),4 Tufted Ducks,22 Mallard.,24 Snipe 8 Reed Buntings.On the Calder between Healy Road Ossett and Earlsheaton 8 Goosander (2 pairs and 4 Redheads,2 Goldeneye and 8 Cormorants.Around 330 Black Headed Gulls are on the settling tanks on the sewage works.88 Pied Wagtails and 3 Grey Wagtails where on the filter beds along with 8 Meadow Pipits

kerries Reserve held 28 Redwings,10 Blackbirds, male Bullfinch.On the feeders where 8 Great Tits ,6 Blue Tits,3 Reed Buntings,4 Robins ,4 Dunnocks and 6 Goldfinch.

A single Green Sandpiper was on the Calder opposite The sewage works border fence (the first for several weeks.)

